Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for an order to arrive?

It depends on the product you ordered. Many items will arrive 3-5 business days.

How to track my order ?

If we include tracking information with your order, you can view it from the shipping confirmation email we send you. By entering your tracking number, you will see an estimated delivery date under the order details.

I ordered 2 or more items, but only received one...where is my order?

We have a large assortment of products that are not in stock. When you order multiple items at once, they may be shipped separately so they get to you faster. You may receive one item before the other. Don't panic if you don't receive all your items at once...they're on their way to you.

I am not satisfied with my order, can it be returned? If there is a problem ?

We give you 14 days to send it back to us and get a refund according to our refund policy. You must return it at your own expense, once we receive the product we will refund the amount granted. Please include your order number and the name under which the order was placed on returned packages. Please note: If your package is on its way, you must wait for it to arrive; it must be returned before receiving a refund

Can I cancel my order?

If you cancel your order before it is shipped, you will be able to do so without any penalty. If the item has already been sent, please use our easy returns system for a full refund.

I entered an incorrect address, what should I do now?

If you misspelled or auto-filled an incorrect address, simply reply to your order confirmation email and confirm. Once you have verified whether the address given is incorrect, please let us know. If the address given is wrong, we can change it to the correct address within 24 hours. No refunds will be given after 24 hours of incorrect submission.

I have a question that I haven't answered, could you help me please?

Absolutely! We will be happy to help you in any way possible. We receive a large number of emails. If you would like a quick response, please include your order number and clearly address the issue in your email.

Need help ?

Complete the form below and we will get back to you within 24 hours. You can also contact us by telephone at 1-819-571-7530 .

Contact form

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